

Cyber Pyre

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Tristen Young

Photo of Trynn at dB Engineering

Aliases: Trynn, Triscuit, Mr.T
D.O.B: March 23, 1337
Place of Birth: Texas
Sex: Male
Height: 175.26 cm
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Nationality: American


Syndicate History    

Pero Seo Inc. Remote
Software Engineer
November 2022 - Present

  • Participated in the development of a proprietary structured data tool.
  • Addressed and resolved a canonical URL issue; reduced 2506 affected pages to 0 with custom coded canonical redirect for https://www.irs.com/en/.
  • Performed the menu infrastructure rebuild using custom JS/CSS/HTML for the main menu, catering menu, and drinks menu pages on https://tgifridays.com/.
  • Automated some internal spreadsheets analysis of keyword opportunities
  • Address and triage curosory technical ailments that may reduce SEO positioning such as speed and security

Fieldsend Marketing, Remote
Freelance Software Developer
January 2019 - Present

  • Managed site migration for progearrental.com utilizing load-balancing to maintain the 99% uptime requirement
  • Integrated progearrental.com's SQL database to sync and sort itself into the company's CRM.
  • Built and managed alpha-stim.com including custom PHP and security measures to meet HIPAA compliance from 2019-2021 per client specifications.
  • Contracted by The Eleven Group to make front end designs compatible with search engine optimization best-practices in Angular for Interstate Batteries.
  • Contracted by The Eleven Group to use web scraping with Python and Selenium to gather locations and descriptions from Google Business Profiles for Interstate All Battery Center market analysis.

dB Engineering, Mansfield TX
Director of R&D, Draftsman
July 2016 - April 2017

  • Oversaw ISO 9001:2008 practices, documentation, and renewal of certification in 2017.
  • Optimized water-jet paths using AutoCAD to improve material pricing for clients and reducing annual cost by 6%.
  • Digitized and automated paper engineering drawings.

Previous Missions    

Gymoranda Fitness Application
Software Developer
January 2020 - March 2021

  • Collaborated with a team to create a networked Java application to manage a theoretical gym scheduling for different tiers of users.

ID Portal Application
Software Developer, Git Master
September 2021 - May 2022

  • Worked as full-stack developer and Git master for Rogue Media to create a student identification application for web, IOS, and Android utilizing React, React-native, and Firebase.

Criminal Training    

Arizona State University
Bachelor of Science Software Engineering Degree Major GPA 3.02
September 2017 - August 2022

Psychological Profile    

Subject is ambitious and is obsessed with history and technology. A subtle follower of the rationalist community. Calm and observant often solving problems backwards. Copes with tragedy through the use of dark humor; Often a sign of stress. Most likely pursued engineering due to his rule-utilitarian training at a young age. Often very loyal to close friends and colleagues often to the subject's detriment. Suprisingly good interpersonal skills and social coordination due to subject's expierences in Theater during his earlier years. Subject will focus on activities for an extended period of time, which leads to both positive and unsatisfactory results. Best to persuade the subject through abstract ideology and unique problems


  • Javascript / Typescript
  • C/C++
  • Assembly
  • Visual Basic
  • CSS
  • JSX
  • AJAX
  • REST-level-2
  • Docker
  • Bash
  • Linux